15 years of sustainability with Duijvestijn Tomatoes and SchermNed

In 1963, father Leo Duijvestijn started a modest greenhouse business in Honselersdijk. Today, this company has grown into a true pioneer with 50 football fields full of modern greenhouses, accommodating as many as 500.000 tomato plants. Ready for the future, and with pride, SchermNed can say that they have been a reliable partner for 15 years, contributing to this impressive story.
The new greenhouses that Duijvestijn Tomatoes added in 2020 are equipped with the latest innovations in climate control, energy efficiency, and water management. This allows sustainable cultivation throughout the year, which is a crucial step towards future-proof farming.
Maintaining high standards is crucial for Duijvestijn Tomatoes, and finding good partners plays an essential role. For 15 years, SchermNed has been a valuable partner in greenhouse climate control. The quality of the solutions provided is paramount. The direct lines of communication and the constant pursuit of practical solutions seamlessly align with Duijvestijn Tomatoes' approach. "Can nott" is not an option, and SchermNed always actively collaborates to find practical solutions that perfectly fit our specific situation.
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